Monday, May 5, 2008

The Museum

This past Sunday Austin and I went to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. I had told him a few days before that after church we were going to go to the Museum. He was very excited about it. When church was over I walked back to his room to pick him up and when he saw me he started yelling, "Mommy, Mommy, can we go to the Museum now!?!" It is always so much more fun to take him somewhere that he is excited to go. The museum is about 10 min from our house but we had never been. It is nothing spectacular but it is a cool place to have nearby. Austin's favorite exhibit was the ball roller coaster. Someone had built this amazing "roller coaster" and the balls just kept riding over and over. It was pretty cool. They had an exhibit that shows how waves work, which was very intriguing to Austin because of an event the previous day. I am going to change the subject but only because it is significant to why Austin loved the wave exhibit. Saturday mornings Austin and I walk to the beach with Grandma. We stop at Starbucks and get a coffee and then stop by the donut store for breakfast (not the healthiest I know but we are making memories) and then we walk out on the pier. This past Saturday the waves must have been really good because there were a lot of surfers out. So we stopped to watch. There was a young girl out there probably 10 years old and she was catching a lot of the waves. While my mom and I watched the surfers Austin ate his donut. When he was done he wanted to get out of the stroller and have me hold him so he could watch the surfers too. When I picked him up out of the stroller his shoe fell off. It was like slow motion and it went ... bounce, bounce, gone. It fell right off the pier! It was just a old sandal so I figured it wasn't that big of a deal, but when Austin saw his shoe in the ocean he got upset. He cried and cried. We watched the shoe hoping it would catch a wave it but it stayed out there. Then we got lucky this young kid in the water saw Austin's shoe grabbed it and brought it in for us. Austin was very happy to have his shoe back. For the rest of the day all Austin could talk about was that his shoe was riding the waves. This would be why the wave exhibit was so fascinating to him. The museum had some really great things for little ones to do. Austin got to make a track and send some balls down, he got to pretend he owned a restaurant and cooked and served food, and outside there was a huge dinosaur exhibit. There is a large "long neck" (remember The Land before Time?) and they have turned him into a playground. You get to go inside the dinosaur and see his intestines. There were many fun things to do so all in all we had a great day. After the museum we went to In-N-Out for lunch which is always a nice treat. Grandma is going to take Austin back in a few weeks because Bob the Builder is going to be there.

I have a flickr account now. I am going to add the link to my blog so you can see the rest of the pictures from the museum.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hide and Seek

Austin's new favorite game is hide and seek. He ALWAYS hides in the same spot and will tell you where he is going to hide when you start counting. The good thing is he has finally started really hiding. When we first started playing he would lay down on the floor hide his face in the carpet and had the idea that if I can't mommy then she can't see me. A typical conversation while playing hide and seek goes like this...

Mommy: Ok Austin. I will count first and you hide first.

Austin: Ok I'm going to hide under my covers
Mommy: 1,2,3...10 I go looking and find him under the covers
Austin: You found me!!!Ok, I am going to count you go hide under my covers

Even though we hide in the same place over and over he gets so excited every time I find him and every time he finds me. It's wonderful how simple little things can bring such joy!

"Do one thing everyday that makes you happy!"