Sunday, July 27, 2008


A few days ago Austin started calling me Mom, not mommy or momma, just Mom. Now I know this may not sound like a big deal to most, but it is a big deal to me. It just shows me more and more how my little baby is growing into a big boy. I miss his sweet little voice calling my name, mommy. Austin will be 4 yrs old in 5 days. One more year and he will be in Kindergarten. Austin is growing into such an amazingly wonderful little boy, but it is bittersweet. I love to watch him grow and see the independence he has, but at the same time I miss that little baby that always needed me.

1 comment:

JetsMama said...


I had no idea that you had a blog until you became a follower of mine. I enjoyed reading all your entries today and have added you to my google reader. I'm looking forward to hearing more...looks like you haven't written in awhile. Are you going to the Anniversary party? Call me sometime and we can visit if you want.

Love you,