Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Mom Fail

I have a cute story to share today. 

Austin pulled his tooth out at school the other day and didn't tell me about it until about 8pm at night.  He took it out of his backpack right before bed and wanted to put it under his pillow.  First thing I thought when he told me was crap! I don't have any cash.  So I tried to make him forget to put it under his pillow but that wasn't happening.  So he went to sleep with the tooth under his pillow and I wracked my brain trying to figure out what to do.  I searched for change but didn't come up with anything.  I briefly considered doing nothing and telling him the tooth fairy was too busy that night and might come the next, but the tooth fairy is supposed to be magic and can do anything like Santa right?

And at the last minute I came up with an idea.  I had a Ring Pop stashed away in my closet and put that under his pillow.  He thought it was the greatest thing ever. Even better than money!  So I guess it wasn't a total fail, but shouldn't to tooth fairy want to take care of your teeth and not harm them with candy? =)

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