Friday, October 28, 2011

So Happy It's Friday!

This is Austin's school picture.  Sorry for the poor quality but I took a picture of it with my phone last night.  He is in a stage (or so I hope it is) of raising his eyebrows in every picture.  I asked him why and he said because it makes him look better.  Crazy kid! =)

I'm so glad it's Friday I am ready for the weekend.  Austin is going on a field trip to the pumpkin patch with his school today.  Last night he told me they could take a camera with them on their field trip.  Of course he wasn’t taking my nice one so I got him a disposable one and he thought that was the worst thing in the world.  Where do I see my pictures?  You don’t.  That’s stupid.  No it’s like a surprise when we get it developed.  Developed?  Yeah we take it to walmart and they give you back real pictures.  Why?  I’m supposed to look at them on the computer.  No you will get real pictures.  But then how do I get them on the computer.  This is dumb.  No Austin it’s fun. I'm hoping he will embrace it and enjoy developing the pictures.  I forget how spoiled we are these days with the instant gratification of digital pictures.  And we are spoiled in so many other ways.  Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby to get some yarn and forgot my 40% off coupon.  I was able to pull it up on my phone and they can scan it on my phone and get my discount. I have done that at American Eagle and Kohls too.  What did we do in the days without smart phones??? =)  

We are doing another garage sale tomorrow.  Hopefully we will make some money!  I mainly just sit back and people watch and take care of the money, but it is actually kind of fun.  

I heard back from Endo and Austin's appointment is scheduled for January 23rd.  =(  I was really hoping to get in sooner but they only see Endo patients on Mondays.  They said I can call once and week and find out if anyone has cancelled and take their appointment  and we can get in sooner so you can bet that's what I am going to do.  

I'm hoping to post some pictures this weekend of our Hot Springs trip.  We had a blast. 

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